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One Never Stands So Tall As When Kneeling to Help A Child

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Awards History: Click here to view the past award recipient list.
If you find an error or know of a recipient not listed, please use the comment feature to help us update the list. Please be sure to leave your name and phone number so the Awards Committee can follow up with you directly.

2024 Award program packet:


  • Upon listening to Past Actives reminisce about their cherished memories, a prevailing theme emerged – the profound impact of inter-club interactions. The act of visiting other clubs and fostering connections has proven to be a cornerstone of our 20-30 community. To celebrate and fortify this tradition of visitation, we intend to acknowledge and honor those individuals who have actively participated, whether virtually or in person, in visiting other clubs during meetings, socials, and events.
      If you have been visiting other clubs virtually or in person, please submit this form for each visitation completed. This is for individual recognition, not club level.

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